I lie naked on my bed my left arm caressing my nipple as my right hand-jst a finger play round my lips, playfully drag d hairs round them
Taking it up, I wet it wit my tongue n slide bak this time, touching my clits gently
Then I pinch hard as a scream escapes my lips, my left arm squeezes hand on ma tits and slowly reaches out for pinky I put pinky in mouth imagining him throbbing in my throat
Another scream as my finger slowly goes in, my waist jecks upward Slowly, I glide pinky down, thru my cleavage, pass my navel n gently rub it against my clits
Holding pinky with both hands now I push him hard inside me, my waist slightly off d bed with my head slanted backwards, I mourn in pleasure
I push pink hard inside me, taking him whole, screaming in pain yet the pleasure engulfs my very being
Out a little and in wit a quick push quickly my arm finds my tits n squeezes hard on them
I roll over, lying on my tummy but hips raised, throbbing fast, biting hard on my pillow,in quick succession, squeezing my nipples n twisting
I can feel my brain swell in pleasure as I quickly turn round again on my back
I scream lik a lady possessed, twisting waist in a rhythm, anticlockwise as I throbb harder
I feel d rush, I feel d pleasure, I him urging me to cum, screwing me lik if to release d demon dt has jst possessed my body, I scream out, calling his name, longing 4him as I cum in multiples
Great minds!
Build something, even if its just a creative expression; change the world with talent
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
wine n spirit
Cocktails have always been one of my delite. As an adventurous lady, I have always found fun in playing with food, drinks and games lol. Even with romance, experiment was in. tonight, I watched cocktails being mixed and enjoyed the different taste of pleasure. It wasn’t much to ask but it was a delight to behold and a lustful pleasure t my taste.
The organisers of the Nigerian wine and spirit festival takes this classes seriously and not as a means of lustfull pleasure like I did. People actually pay to understand the beauty of mixing. Mixing the alcoholic pleasures that graces not only my taste buds but my senses.
Now would take this course? Just maybe. Would I trail this path? Most definitely. As a lover of pleasure, the cocktail classes is not just a learning place but a fun and pleasurable avenue to bond with friends and my environs.
Don’t miss out on the 2011 edition of the Nigerian wine and spirit festival course if you do… you miss everything.
The Kiss
It all started with a kiss
The promise to lock
The passion it ignites
Like a dream,
Steps were taking unknowingly
Like a mirage,
Love then dug sparingly
Eyes met with a passion untold
Smiles glared with a story sold
When it locked,
Passion unleashed
Moves so smooth
Excitement entangled
The night bloomed
All in the story of a kiss
Yes she said, and yes she did
Behind the wheels it started
All it took was just 1 kiss
And history as made!
And history as made!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Nigeria - bedrock of creativity!
The creative mind is God’s gift to humans.
We are creative in so many ways that we know but do not exploit to the fullest. We are limite by our thoughts, observations and fears. We feel we not good enough, our friends don’t belive in us and our family finds us worthless.
Fear of our environ too play a huge part. Foreign things are the best, blacks can’t do shit, an illiterate can’t express creativity, Funds also play a major part and we encourage it to dissuade us.
Nigerians are blessed with so many opportunities; we are gifted in creativity. We miss -use our gifts and ignore our opportunities. Miss using our resources and taking for granted our opportunities. We are deep thinkers- understanding ways to get around things but FEAR is our biggest issue, self worth we lack.
The Igbo’s are blessed with craftsmanship. Give them any designer bag or shoe and they’ll replicate it to the minute detail. Yes, the product don’t last but think about it, if the government put in funds to help them, won’t they make a better product that will last?
Our film industry got good stories but the plots kill the movies why? No fund. If the governments invest in the industry and our producers take time out to shun out good plots and details, we would be top notch not only in films generated but also in creative work.
Our people are blessed with the voice. With or without education, our songs have gained top recognition. Yes, some of our artist can’t speak to save their lives and I’m not referring to 2face but they can sing to revive the dead. They need to be encouraged.
Check out our lands, have you ever tried planting something at your backyard? Watch it grow with or without your tender care that’s how productive our lands are. Yet we don’t exploit our agricultural sector. Imagine the catfish we breed, the chickens, turkey; still we import and hardly export and make things not just difficult but expensive for our country men/women.
Read far and near, we have Nigerians doing things we can’t imagine and there are a lot of us out there. If we don’t start appreciating what we do and build on our gifts, we’ll NEVER get this country to the peak we need it to get to.
Let’s invest in our God given gifts, let’s help our country grow stronger and believe in our work. The American bags do get old and bad someday don’t they? Yet they believe that their products are the best. Let’s believe in ours too.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Talent 'n' U
It’s something to say you are creative and another to actually be creative.
Talent plays a major role in making you the best at what you do. That’s why it’s always safe to build on your God given talent and not run towards another man’s talent all in the name of trying to make it big. You might succeed at it but you’ll never excel cause in truth, you don’t love what you do.
Searching within to find your inner potential is necessary to find the true YOU! When you dig deep and find out what it is you are made to do and you seek knowledge on this part, it makes you a better person. Even in time of problems, you’ll weather it for you love to do what you do. You’ll give not just your best but your all without knowing it, without forcing it and without being made to do it.
Life will be much easier, happier and friendly when you are in the environment you love. Talent is what makes you who you are, it’s the gift from God. The answer to all your worries; It’s no wonder why some excel at what they do in so little time while others take years and never make it!
Don’t be deceived, money sure comes easy when you know you doing the right thing the right way; the way you were MADE to do it, that which you were BORN to do!
Its easy trust me. So go out there and DO what you were made to DO!
Monday, July 4, 2011
I'm sprung!
It hits me in the face like a thousand bricks
Lust creeping in, bitch slapping my guts
Fingers dig deep, gushing blood
All up in my face was the truth and I threw my head to the side
Is it all a mirage?
The voices laugh at my very being
Clapping cymbals that hurts the soul
Cutting deep in revenge
The distance once a blessing now a curse
I saw the writings but I refused to read the words
Please stop, I plead to it
My heart bleeds in places I felt where long dead
Please stop, I cry out
To a voice I believe can hear the words n stop the hurt
Focus a precious stone I now dig for
Why was I so stupid to believe?
With feelings I could not phantom
Waking up to a truth I thought was long gone
Walk with me pain, for I am doomed
Stroll along lonely abandonment
Wise men once thought me wise
Foolishness now my middle name
My heart knew yet my ears behold the voices
Please let it all be but a dream
Shakespeare would have slapped me too
I’m so stupid I cant even beginning to understand
I’m supposed to be the dreamer
How did I become the character?
How could I have believed the voices?
What did I do wrong!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Awaken - Suicide bombers!
Funny, I seem to like the disaster of yesterday; it shows we are gradually getting there.
1st suicide bombing in Nigeria-waoh! We go wake-up now, our politician’s go start to fear, them go know say we don arrive!
As bad as it seems, this will make Nigerians see the possibilities inherent in us. The strength and the will we feel died ages back. The silence we kept for so long is now VOICING OUT. We can change our country for the better. We can actually do things like the western countries. We have the power to do so much more and WE SHOULD.
We’ll see now the police force will change; they will be well trained, well paid and well equipped and so ready to combat future disasters like yesterday. The military also will wake up, politics’ will be tighter, and crimes will lessen.
Welcome Nigeria, to the new age of reality!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Double personality (The re-birth)
Sitting up in bed, I turn around to see him sleeping deep. I hope the valium will work its magic till I return. Kick off my portofuss, I tiptoe to the kiddies room. Charles was a very good reflection of me but his second- Chelsea looks so much like her dad and I pray with all my heart she’ll take to his character.
Wigs in place and glasses on, I stroll round to my hideout- claimed studio. Behind a big canvass, I push my Kawasaki ninja out all the way to the 3rd street and then mount it. All of a sudden I heard that voice again ‘welcome horny, we’ve been expecting you’. I rode off into the cold pleasures of the night.
My 3rd victim was pretty drunk. She fell on me like if I’m her protector, licking her face, tasting the sweet sweat as my face suddenly realized he has been watching. Flirtatiously I call him with my eyes. He responds with a lick of his lower lips. I laugh out loud in the rowdy club filled with sweet lustful sin. Next he was by my side, licking my neck as I smooch on her already swollen lips, his hands on my hard nipples, squeezing hard.
‘My place or yours?’ he whispered and I laughed; ‘do you have a car?’ he nodded hurriedly and led the way. I pulled on her, laughing all the way to the door as I grab the body guard and smooch him ‘thank you’ as I always do. The cold breeze hits my face as from nowhere, I hear him say ‘mummy please don’t!’ the shock left my face as another breeze hits it and at that second I knew my mistake had been the twins. No it couldn’t be; they always put a smile on my face, a different one from what I’m having as he rams my behind. A different one as I chew her under. I scream in terror-‘it’s not fair, why can’t I have the best of both worlds, why is heaven and hell such enemies?’
I feel her fingers tear deep on my bare back as she releases all the highness on my face in pleasure, he turns me round and sticks his stink into my mouth and I mount my lips on her breathe, her cold tongue worked magic as I expected. I swallow my taste, enjoying every horror from his erect ego. Their faces appear again, this time as babies, as they take their first step with his voice saying- ‘they’ll be as sweet as their mum, so pure, so gentle’. I scream out in pain-filled-fear. ‘What have I done to myself? Who is this nightmare that appears in the day and is called pure and gentle? She can’t be me, I’m the hedonist, the servant to painful pleasures; the lover of lustful, demented sex how can I be pure and gentle’?
He screams out as he cums in my mouth, the cold salty cream hits a cord as I cum in utmost pleasure. Why can’t ‘he’ be this adventurous? Why should love be so cagey? Why is marriage only sweet to the lips and not like the craziness of a single bed? I hear her mourn from underneath my wet swollen lips; Reality hits as I hurriedly clean and dress up.
‘Hey, can I get your number…What should I do with her?’ where the words that glide by as I rode off like the beast that has taken over my being. Bike hidden, cloths off, I look at my naked body as I feel my nipples harden from the night’s pleasure. Suddenly, I notice my fingers, I lick the circle on the 4th as a tear drop down, ‘I can’t be a mum, I can’t be a wife, it’s all a trap, a dream’ more tears as I take the wig off my head and flush it down the toilet. Raising head back to the mirror, I wipe the tears and again, I see the circle on the 4th finger as I hear that voice again ‘Mum, is that you?’ I shake it off my head as I open the mirror closet and take out my rings behind the valium. I smile at sight and close mirror as I hear the voice again ‘Mum?’ this time the fright in the voice made me turn round.
It all came down on me like lighting- the fear, the shame, the pain and the FREEDOM. How long has she been standing there and how much did she see? I see tears run down her face as she let out a big SCREAM saying ‘it has always been you hasn’t it, you lied to me mum, how could you’?
My childhood flashed before me at that second as the feel of déjà vu creped on me like a demon devouring my soul!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Enigma emerges!
Life is as easy as we make it
Sometimes cos we not an island, people make us feel ‘incapable’ but if we believe and push harder, we make it through.
Enigma has taken so long to cut the clutter and here she is, about to storm earth with the force like no other.
About to birth dreams that young talents feel they can never live. she like a mother, is going to nuture their dreams. Like a sister, she is going to encourage their dreams and like a brother, she is going to ride along with them to achieve their dreams.
Like the father, she’ll make sure they are heard, noticed and appreciated.
So much to say but so few words to describe it
Welcome my precious, I know your birth will be the best birthday gift ever!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Birthday Blues!
Adding another year soon to my cap!
Looking back at the path I took, I feel no regret, no remorse or pain. I love my son, he is everything to me. He is smart, intelligent and unavoidably handsome. Funny, I still don’t look like a mum lol.
In all these years, I have learnt to love, to forgive, to laugh and to enjoy all the gifts life gives. I have learnt to appreciate everyone, to understand their short comings and learn to see beyond the surface. In this knowledge, I have grown old and wise but funny; my face grows younger by each passing day and my skin glow from pride.
I abuse my drink (laughing hysterically at the thought that I got sexyberry drunk with my bad habit n lost her-sexyberry is my white bold2), I abuse my sleep(still love to dance the night out every weekend and even week days) so I wonder how I still help to keep my skin soft and glowing and my face so young.
But I can tell you this for free, my care free nature and peace with the world is what gets me going, happiness gives good and everlasting health…believe it. Positive thinking gets you places as well as a healthy mind.
To all the friends who have made my years, family who stand continuously by me and enemies who fight me to give me strength, tanks for am going to enjoy all of u in my life again and again and again till my good Lord calls me.
To the men who have made me laugh, cry, smile and DANCE; I appreciate all of u and wish u all happiness and love. To the man who’ll finally have me for better or worse, I know you’ll be the happiest man on earth.
But for now, ama enjoy life to the fullest as always because as my name implies…I LOVE MY WORLD (AKPOMEJEVWE).
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The big bite- marriage is all about true LOVE!
What’s love got to do with getting married?
I remember when I was 15 and some and I fell in-love with my baby’s dada; point of correction, I thought I was in-love but I was really obsessed cause one time we quarreled, I drank 5tabs of valium 5 or 10(cant remember) to kill myself. Thank God I just slept off for about 25hours on and off and didn’t pass a way cause that’s the most stupid thing ever to do for a guy. Then I grew-up, went to the university and fell in-love for real with my dazzling prince charming, the guy I call “deception”. It was a beautiful 4years relationship cause no matter the hurt, the joy is all I remember.
Why this story; it baffles me when people claim they love their spouse yet, even after the vow, they still cheat on them. If you are really in-love, will another appeal to you? When I was with the guy I love(d) no other man appealed to me. Yes, as a natural flirt, I did flirt with other guys but none’s kiss pleased me like his, none’s touch appeased my soul it was just what the books say it was, what the songs sang about what the fairytales made me dream about; it was PERFECT. (I want to feel that again)
So it really baffles me the way men cheat and now, the women are in on the game. The cheating spree. Before they call marriage a trap, now it’s the bedrock of freedom to have any woman you want without her trying to hook you. It’s now the game you can play and enjoy playing other games and the only thing I can think caused all these, is that they were NEVER IN-LOVE.
I remember days with my dad, the affection he showed me wasn’t the same he showed my mum, yes I know he was fond of my mum but what really made me want to be in-love was my mum and step dad. They were always holding hands, kissing, dancing together and doing all the things that was done in the movies. Yes I felt the love. I felt the love when my mum wakes up 5am in the morning to make sure she had breakfast with him before he left for work. I felt the love when my mum takes out time to learn a new English or French meal to entice him at the dining table during the weekends (yes, I’m among the few who ate on a dining table maybe because both dad’s had a foreign background). I felt the love when on good Fridays' we were woken up and told to go into the garden to find the Easter eggs(my mum and step dad spend the night painting them then early mornings hiding them). When we went to the beach and when my mum found her artistic side learning her husband’s love for oil paint. Now, that I want to feel in my home and it has nothing to do with him being German.
Most of our ladies marry because they feel they are the age to and so accept any proposal made to them without even knowing the man, his loves, his wants and his dreams. Some marry cause he is rich while others because he is the only one that has proposed and their clock is ticking. Some men marry because they feel she is the one that has taken my shit, the one that has accepted who I am, the only one that agreed to date me when I didn’t have anything or the one my parents like. Forgetting marriage is more than just their happiness they have to consider the kids that’ll come in for they only can see through the relationship at home. They know when there is no love and it affects them emotionally, subconsciously, they grow to also find it hard to show love or feel it. Making the world full of people who seek happiness in SEX and wonder why after so many lovers they still can’t be HAPPY.
Love is a beautiful thing, once you experience it you’ll always want to experience it cause one minute of love cover years of none. When I see my ex, I remember most of the good times and never remember the bad until him or someone reminds me of a bad.
I really urge all my friends especially to marry for LOVE. In this changing world, that’ll be the only thing that’ll hold us together, build beautiful homes free from cheats and birth lovely kids that feel love which helps them grow into happy people, making fantastic choices that’ll shape them and the world in general.
Think deep within you if you’re married and ask yourself, “do you really love your spouse” and not just the mouth tingy cause if you do, no one will ever come close and you definitely WON’T CHEAT!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Confession of the shrewd!
Sometimes I laugh at the thought of people’s idea about me
It makes me wonder, do these people think I came to earth for them?
I live to breathe to enjoy the pleasures of the world.
I seek the unknown that births ideas of riches
I know the ledge and use the knowledge to get where I need to go
A blessing giving at birth and used judiciously to please
I’m hated and loved at the same time by many
Because am different and that’s my motto
“I was born to stand out not fit in”
I’m a one man army driven by passion, executing passion
The creative world my bedrock to explore its sexual pleasures
Dance my cloud 9 and writing the arousal
I’m gifted with beauty and garnished with brains
Not my fault these blessings are immerse within me
But they also bear the negative for fear men have for a lady like me
They love to taste, keep around but fear to be in the life
Don’t fear the feelings cause I was born to be loved and hated at the same time
It gets me going, gets you committed to keep me growing
For you know my strength and my weakness at the same time
Yet you fear cause am unpredictable to a fault
But it’s not your fault, I also know not what am capable of doing till I get into the spot
I love me, the mystery surrounding me
And I bask in that mystery and use what some call a weakness as MY STRENGHT!
Know that and you’ll understand why you shouldn’t bother trying hard to understand my ways
Know that and you’ll appreciate my ways without pensive thoughts
I emit knowledge that you need to gain your worth.
Live, learn and LOVE.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Am bored shitlist!
Why is it that sometimes you feel like your world should just end. That u’ve seen it all, heard it all and done it all. U get bored of everything and can’t find solace in anything?
I'm at that point in my life again and it hurts. Hurts cos am barely in my 30’s and if I feel this way what will happen when am in my 40’s? or 50’s I dare say 60’s? How can life be so boring all of a sudden? How could I have achieved so much, done so much and loved so much in such a short while? Yes the only thing I think about right now is money and more money but for what? For those things that's still the same just different settings? It’s such a façade this world we live in.
Sometimes I feel maybe cos I have no MAN to share it with; don’t get me wrong, I've got lots of them in my life so am not lonely. I got the old ones refusing to go, past ones trying to make a comeback and new ones struggling to be the numero uno. But am looking for more, not good sex, not deep kisses but a soulmate. Someone that can make me laugh at everything and anything so they’ve also grown boring- for now. I try to be a lady and keep up but now I don’t think I can keep up the pretence any longer AM BORED.
I love my job cos i'm doing something I like- “writing” but it also has gotten boring. I write not the way I want, not mysterious or creative but to sell and make people understand, now what’s the creative ingenuity in that? Pls writing for people can be predictable yeh sometimes you get the aha! But yeh still predictable and don’t have that sweet funny feeling u get deep down in ur tummy when u write a real creative piece that will confuse, ignite and shake someone. With hidden meanings and soul searching facts. I LOVE TO WRITE but AM BORED WITH COPYWRITING.
I got friends that just crack me up every now and then. Though they consist of mostly men but they do- do me right lol. My lady friends are drags, always wanting something from me. From me hooking them with my great male friends to finding a man to take us out. Or they want a hide out, or just hear me tell them about my version of what life is to be. Yes, there are some that gets me laughing but then again, it’s the same ‘ol same ‘ol so AM BORED.
Now I think, is life just these things I have experienced? Is the church the answer? I’ve never being a fan or a religious fanatic so how can I find solace in the church? Its so damn BORING. I’ll be pretending to be something am not so am comfortable being the girl that is truthful to her God and loves Him with all her heart trying daily to please him just don’t send me to the church by force; AM BORED.
When am bored, I get to do things I shouldn’t. my other me step out for that moment of bliss and gets crazy. She aint nice, she don’t care and she is very EVIL. Yes, everyones' got a bit of evil in them but I got things in me with equal amount of power-no wonder my friends say I got multiple personality. The difference between mine and the foreigners is that I know after that my other me did what she did and though I get sober, I NEVER REGRET. So please find away and get me out of this dilemma.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A consonant made the difference!
Monday morning -May 2, 2011 marks a new dawn of happiness for those who lost their loved one in the Sept 11th mayhem that unleashed in the USA; When the twin tower, the glory of America, housing the world trade center crumbled to dust via a well thought out plan by a special terrorist group (the al-Qaeda), headed by Osama, killed thousands of people in New York. 10years now and the victory is heard on the streets as the reign of the 1st black president brought the death of the terrorist known as Osama.
Just a consonant difference in both names, such huge power, what a celebration; President Obama sure is the change America has been waiting for. We believe now that the war against terrorism might have ended but the big question is- is America not basking in too much power hence now turning itself without consciously doing it, into a terrorist State?
Question for another era for now…
Big-ups Obama as you nailed Osama.
It's her day! Genevieve Nnaji
I must give it to her, being a single mum myself; she has come along way from grass to grace and she carries her self well with no scandal and lots of panache.
I really don't send nollywood but some of our actress made nollywood proud through the ages.
Big-up to you genevieve, many more great years to come.
I really don't send nollywood but some of our actress made nollywood proud through the ages.
Big-up to you genevieve, many more great years to come.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
lost my sense of humor
I let my hair down so a lot of dirt passes through even as I try to be understanding, it’s taken for granted. Imagine been hassled for N1,500 when the hassle is owing the hassled N10,000? This country really needs a hero with an iron hand.
Every day I ask the Lord to give me the strength to continue in my good deeds and understanding nature cos as much as I see heaven at the end of the tunnel, hell wants me to serve some peeps its hot fire.
Am free spirited and that also makes me a loner. That I refuse to be in the “clic” should tell you I’m a one man army. I mingle with the crowd but I STAND OUT cos I wasn’t born to FIT IN. I’m a born LEADER; people follow me I don’t. I’m proud to make such statements cos I know am a blessed child. I also know haters hate and they fear me cos they always hate what they don’t understand and fear what they can’t control.
Am the enigma and my mystic has taken me far and wide; opened my eyes to the world of possibilities, building positivity, embracing productivity. I’m ME the SHE that has and will continue to BE.
It’s a pity I’m too strong for most but I know my attitude only attracts like minds and we ARE ACHIEVERS.
So before you think of hating me, I suggest you grow up and join me cos the only thing my aura emits is WEALTH and more WEALTH.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
You Count!
I can’t help but think am having a bad month. Yesterday was the worst; got info that my BB is beyond repairs and my office seat broke and I fell real bad. I still can’t help but wonder why all in one day it’s really sad unfortunately, am not sad lol. Some friends say they going to get me the phone now that will be nice if they really do. But I’m not putting all my eggs in one basket I wud get another BB net week.
I don’t know what it is I want to write about today just I feel like writing and not a poem or short story. Let’s see… the election! Ok, now tell me something, why is it that the youths have given up somewhat on our country and are refusing to vote or carry out their rights?
Do you know that the people have more voice than the politicians? Look at what happened when everyone screamed blue murder at the amount being spent for the independence; it was slashed even though just a lil but it showed we were HEARD. What about the DSTV stuff? Same tingy; that shows our VOICE speaks VOLUMN.
Go VOTE! It might be nothing but its symbolic. It shows YOU HAVE A RIGHT AND YOU ARE EXERCISING THAT RIGHT. It might look minimal but it’s a start for something BIG. Let’s not see suffering as part of Nigeria no, it has to stop. Nigeria CAN BE BETTER. And it’s UP TO US to make it better.
Do exercise your right and vote this SATURDAY.
Make it COUNT.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Fun, party and flirting is my virus. It’s eaten deep into my soul that it comes naturally to me. I love to party everyone around me knows that and with me, you’ll love to party too. I love to dance, to me, dancing with someone I really like and flirting with him on the dance floor is much more fun than sex.
Don’t get me wrong tough, that I smooched you on the dance floor don’t mean ama end up in bed with you…NOP! That’s where it ends, on the dance floor. That’s why am queer; I flirt with no further intention. For the flirt of it, you’ll think oh she is gonna do me tonight and am def gonna do you wrong lol.
Like a virus too, am dangerous. If you get carried away with me there is a great possibility you’ll get burnt. I’m infectious- highly. I also have a bad habit of switching feelings as quick as a snap of the fingers. Making you wonder if I was pretending or you were dreaming.
Even in relationships, when am out of it, the guys get surprised about how my feelings for them dropped cos when inside I give them my all; beats me too. #thinking.
All in all, I’m my own virus. People tell me to slow down and I wonder to where? I,m not even doing half of the things I internally want to so what’s fast about me?
Guess I was just born different; no wonder they all call me weird!
For years, have always wanted that slim flat tummy shape that I didn’t even noticed when I had it until I had my baby and I so wanted to go back to shape and prove to people that my having a baby didn’t mean I can’t be sexy again.
I also wanted them to know I didn’t lost my youth nor freedom. Yes, I got the shape back, yes I did all my teenage mates did but I wasn’t satisfied. Till date, I feel am so fat but people compliment my shape and tell me don’t lose weight just flatten your tummy some more and firm your arms.
Maybe am a bit anorexic cause I still see myself as very fat and I try to fight this. Maybe I lost the confidence when I let the words of people take over me but now as confident as have come to be, being slim and dieting has become an obsession that I diet even in my mind lol.
It’s an enemy I have to kill and kill fast. Have caught out on so much food and snacks I like all in the name of diet and eating right yet I still see the fatso. It’s annoying and irritating cos I know am not fat am just big at the top with some gigantic lovely boobs that I’ll take nothing to give up #grinningsheepishly.
Between last month and this, have lost some weight (gained it during the holiday)I feel my pants sag, my tops abit free and my tires gone. Yet even as I sit and type, am thinking aerobics, dumbbells and how I shouldn’t have eating the little I just ate at all. Believe it, this diet trash has made me hate the feeling of being full after a meal, it has made meals not so tasty to my tongue.
I need to kill this demon called “AM FAT”
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Quest!
The elections are coming. I look forward to it like a mother to her new baby only my enthusiasm will end with me feeling left out when people go out to vote (pls dnt ask why). This election to me is a rebirth. There is hope in the air, hope that change is coming near. I feel it in my bones, in the steps of my dancing feet and I soooo want to be a part of this revolution. I spit the venom of change like a poisonous snake defending itself.
Nigeria is such a beautiful and free country so why do we spoil it with corruption like if we hate it? Why do we kill her and watch as she suffocates? We all have a hand in her slow death so we all have to help resurrect her. I say pray and act with the mind of a beast about to be evicted from his home and left in the wild to suffer and die.
Act with the knowledge that the benefit might not be yours but definitely be for that of your children. Act with the mind that she is your mother and she is weak and needs your help. Watch how our voices make demands and get the demands met.
No wars, just like the mafia just talk it through. We are the people; we make up Nigeria not the government. So let our voices speak volume and bring about the change we so desire.
Let the youths wake up and start asking “why”. Why is there no electricity or fuel and GEJ claim he has worked on the refineries. Why is PDP claiming they appreciate or support women folks yet we know no PDP lady contesting as deputy or even vice president and this we ask AC too.
Why must we leave school and search years and years for jobs to end up doing work we don’t have a passion for? If we are really the giant of Africa then why can’t we boast of good things like our fellow African countries boast of?
Am scared of the cheats, the lies, and the corruption; is the world really coming to an end? (I dnt bliv sha). So many questions with answers I fear to receive but I believe we can MAKE A CHANGE.
Don’t give up my fellow brothers and sisters; let’s keep trying to make our nation great!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Life in 9ja
Tatata…tatata…the sound of a woodpecker hammering away on a tree by my window; wakes me up every morning followed by the sound of different birds singing, tweeting away-I love the sound, in fact grew up with it and listened for it every morning.
Stepping out of my place is another mystery into the Naija spirit. Knowing you belong to this edifice is a good but sometimes disturbing feeling. As I walk down the street to the bus-stop I greet everyone I know; people from different tribes, different colors and different looks, not just the face but looks. I smile with the knowledge of the race. A race racing to greatness. Now a frown on my face; one of the ‘disturbing’ feelings- a pot at a T-junction on my way. Our traditions can be disgusting at times but then no matter how Christianity or Islamic tries, our tradition still lurks somewhere in our spirit. So disgustingly evil and it strikes me, evil is everywhere, every country -remember the movie “devil’s advocate” with AL Pacino and Keanu Reeves? Yeah, that can’t just be a movie; it happens over there too.
Now in the bus on my way to work, since my car parked-up, I’ve been jumping bus and I’m not liking it at all. Now am stuck in traffic; the famous Lagos traffic. Hmm! I wonder when Lagos will stop having traffic jams? I have been to other state of the federation from Oyo to Ogun, Edo to Delta, Benue to Abuja not to mention a few and I get traffic only in Lagos. Probably one of the reasons I love the town. Yes, I love the hustle- it gives you a drive to succeed.
I smile as I step into the office; the warmth of a nation. Chats, Laughter and a few frowns. Love it all the same. Can any other African country emit this spirit? The spirit to succeed beyond imagination despite all odds; the spirit to strive to be one of the world’s power countries, the lion of Africa; the spirit to be one despite the cultural diversity and multi-ethnic groups; this spirit is Nigeria!
I love Naija even though living in it sometimes can be a hassle.
My day at the office ends and I start my journey back home. Yes, a journey it is as the hustle screeches to an end. I wonder how some people manage to work so far from where they live cause despite mine is short, I still see it as a journey then imagine those who live in Ibadan or Shagamu and work in Lagos. They come every morning and leave every evening. Hmmm! Dem dey try cos me I no fit! As I said, the hustle though strong in Lagos, is everywhere in Naija. “Man must hammer” (laughs). I retire to my bed, say a lil prayer for me and my country as the crickets puts me to temporary rest; always noise around (chuckles).
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The Dream!
In everything I give thanks. Thanks to family, loved ones, my creator and fellow well wishers yet I can’t help but think, that if I had no dream I’ll have nothing to be grateful for. For my dreams propel me to be more and these people with the blessings from above helped me to make them come true.
We have dreams and we have DREAMS! The ones that wakes us up at night thinking and we can’t go back to sleep due to excitement, the ones that makes us knock our head against a poll during the day while taking a stroll. The ones that make our food turn cold from neglect and our bitter drinks sweet on our tongue from lack of concentration.
These dreams are what make us, propel us to be better people; to have the comfort, the joy, the riches. These dreams keep us going, toiling, pushing; for more, for love for WANT! Funny thing is that the dream never ends. It keeps birthing and birthing and fulfilling more energy, more zeal!
I know what my dreams are, I build on them daily. I know what I ache for, I soothe them daily for I know my world can’t be, won’t be complete if I don’t live that which my heart ponders for. It’s a destiny to fulfill and grant the world a record that is called ME! It’s an achievement to collect and grant the grave a history to behold.
I build on my dreams daily, I know that if I fulfill them, I’ll die a kind death, a peaceful one. I want to die as I live, with my name on the lips of so many ways after I leave a spot. A name with no end and so much goodness to talk about. That name is history that I know is worth having only if I fulfill my dreams!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Dreams n Stories!
Everyone has a story to tell
If truth be told, the story ain’t nice
We all dream of a world of make believe
Where prince charming lives and beauty sings
Where the dwarfs help and witches give apples
Why is it that the sins of the fore fathers never affected the stories?
Why is it that pegasus had wings to fly?
Why the greek gods where so fine
And the roman’s so heartless
With reality, the stories play a different tune
Facing the arrows piecing deep
The wicked gets riches and the good well...
The story of life transcends gods and witches
Yes, we want to dream and not wake up
Yet we fear death for dreams are temporary death(touching a cord?)
My story is that of good and evil
Of wars and victories
Let me start like the books and end like them
Once upon a time there was a girl named...
Hmm! Well, it ended happily heavenly after.
Dream with me and live the reality of our story.
Yes, welcome again to my madness!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Knowledge that craves!
I love life like I love oxygen yet I smell death with a passion built out of curiosity. Is there a sense of knowledge in the land of the dead? Do one know he is dead when he is? I fear not the unknown cos I bliv the unknown is nothing to be scared of!
I believe that as far as life can be conquered then death as well can be ruled. I enjoy life like a sweet piece of cake, will death taste as good as that? I bliv in another life and that one transcends from a life to another and the short transition is death but you awake to grow in another womb, another continent, another TIME!
A 360 degree I call life, always going round never ending. Pray forgive my stupidity if you call it that but its my mind I spit out wit the venom of knowledge that transfer wisdom to the mind.
To breathe is to walk the earth knowing you can communicate with the other. To sit and think is to commune with the inner being knowing there are forces higher and stronger. Wisdom comes from knowing that nothing is imposible and leave space for happenings and openings.
Bless me Father for I blaspheme not, just curious of the world you brought me into.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Story of my life(Reflections)
In the years have come to see, I’ve realized that I can count on my male friends more than the females. That they understand me better and I them; that the females are finicky especially when it comes to male matters and act like real fish heads. They can sell out their fellow female friend just to get the man they so want (how pathetic).
I resolve to sit back and watch, evaluate and weigh the friendship with both parties and I foundout;
1. I have more male friends than female
2. For every male clic that I have that contains nothing less than 10guys, I have just 1 female friend
3. That the female friends I have and can count on are either male oriented like me or younger and look up to me like a snr sister
4. That my male friends are more than friends to me, they are family and business partners
5. That the female friends are friends and confidants
6. That when the females get married, the friendship suffers but when the males get married, I have an additional female friend
7. That my male friends really adore me and believe in me (now this is where they both have the same feelings towards me) plus the females
8. That my males friends are ready to fight by my side without understanding the problem but my female friends are ready to talk me out of the fight (laughing in pidgin)
9. That as the years pass by, I add more great male friends into my life and I continually deviate from female friends
10. That I can trust all my male friends to death and can only trust zara, Joy, lyn, nky, orode and folake and my cousin natasha to death.
This said, I now understand why my sisters see me as a last result for strict advice with high confidence and secrecy, not the babe they want to take shopping and talk lovey dovey stories with, they see me as a business oriented babe, a strong hearted none sending, no male loving babe. I understand why my friends see my as “their guy” and understand better that last year, I was wasting my time trying to make more female friends.
So after all this analyses, I have decided that this is my part; from a small innocent girl who always (without knowing) did stuff a male would do to a matured woman who many say thinks and writes like a man; that I don’t want to be a man but I was blessed to just have the sexiness of a lady but the brains of a man and that I should enjoy this blessing that my LORD as bestowed upon me, and not beat myself when guys say ‘why do u act like a man, do u think u are a man’. This blessing has made me a multitalented lady who can multitask and think on her feet. A great marketer and ideas machine-a creative animal with the intelligence of a greek god and the brutality of a greek goddess.
To all the great male friends in my life – Anwar Hassan, Ebisan(the love of my life), Oke, Sly(Barzini), Nejeep(my sweet brother), Marcel(shinomori), Niyi(Neyobraski), Obinna(Rambo), Emeka(Ice), Emeka and Chuks Ihejirika, Laolu, Chuma, Aimuan, Kunle, Hali, Choko, Tomiwa, Roy, Phil, Josey, Matthew(Ghost), Godwin, Austin(Felon X), Ifeanyi(Bravo), Dan(Smiley), Nubi, Mr Anis, Dc Batth, Tmak; I love you guys always.
To the new additions- Davis, Henry(madman), Timothy Adaka, Jeremiah, Dapo, Bateeatus(Tosyn), Awah, Tunji, Gabriel, Ranti, Ade, Tiny(Tayo), Ike Ani, Asoto; let’s see how it goes.
To My Sisters( the Ukey babes)- the best sisters and cousins any lady would ask for. Zara, Unuye, Marilyn (Lyn) and Nkechi (Nky) thanks for being the best ladies in my life, for counting always and never failing me. Orode, Folake and my sweet cousin-Natasha, you guys are the best. Our wife, Jenifa Anagbado-I love u always.
To the people who believed so much in me and pushed me up the ladder of advertising without even knowing me- Obinna Okeke, Alphy, Kunle Shittu, Rita(SOnU), Faith, Sola Kosoko, Tmak, Tiny, Femi(TBWA), Ranti, Tope Gbenro, Mrs Shorte, Debo, Debola Mobee, Julius, Biodun, Obinnali, Tito, Funmi, Chiso, Seun, BJ and all the others I met on my walk to fame may God continually bless you guys.
To my darlyn Savior – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; may I continually use my talent to Your glory.
Pray for me oh holy Mother of God, that I may be made worthy of thy Son’s kingdom.
All the Angels and Saints – Pray for me.
May the soul of my sweet brother Kennedy Ukey through the mercy of God, continually rest in perfect peace.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
9ja For Life!
As the New Year emerges, people look up with faith and renewed enthusiasm one that lightens up the heart and give hope to the spirit. New Year always spells new beginnings; being able to try again, make it work, build the stance, create afresh, and work at it.
My fear is that this passion is so personal that we fail to include our nation into the new stance. Nigeria is an old baby that refuses to grow. We have left her to the hands of our political leaders forgetting she belongs to us all and not a few in the so called power; we hold the power cause we are Nigeria. We dream of a Nigeria with constant power supply, good education, up to date facilities to run our health section with dedicated and well learned medical practitioners, Rulers who think more of us than of their pocket, a system that works and not just talks, a life that inspires and not despair, roads that leads and not destroys, buildings that reach and not collapse, food that feeds and not kill, drugs that give wellness and not send us to the graves too early, an HIV/AIDS free nation, a cancer ridden country and poverty-dead society.
This is our heart desires that we have put to sleep for so long cause we fail to realize the power we have to CHANGE it. Everyone knows the adage that ‘the words of the mouth are powerful’ yet we go to sleep with that voice buried within. Asking silly questions that start with WHY instead of WHYNOT! It’s said that ‘little droplets makes a mighty ocean’ not a failed tap. It’s said ‘pikin wey say him mama no go sleep no go sleep too’. It’s time to release those vocals.
Sing, shout, speak, talk, discuss, cry, laugh but just say something that WILL bring about the change we so dream of. The change we so speak of, the change we so long for. For us, our children and our children’s children till the world ends (and it ain’t going nowhere in May 21st, 2011 lol).
Believe! our voice can make that change and our vote can deliver our quest. Cause when we don’t speak or vote, it gives those few the power to manipulate and steal from us.
Let your voice be heard this 2011, let’s stop all the cheating, all the crime, all the bombing and all our fake tears for we own the POWER TO CHANGE things in 9ja! So when the person by your side tells you ‘why’, tell him/her ‘whynot’! It’s time to make that change count, speak-out and the rest will follow.

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